November 2021 Board of Directors Meeting

Notice is hereby given that a Regular Meeting of the Greater Hartford Transit District (the “District”) will be convened at 7:00 p.m. on November 4, 2021 at the Transit District in the Conference Room, One Union Place, Hartford, Connecticut.  The meeting room is located on the first floor north side of building in the District offices.

The Agenda will include:

  1. Public Forum
  2. Adoption of Minutes of the Annual Meeting of September 9, 2021
  3. Approval of Board Meeting dates for the upcoming 2022 calendar year
  4. Adoption of the revisions to the Public Transit Agency Safety Plan
  5. Financial Matters
    • Presentation of the FY2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Federal Single Audit Report and State Single Audit Report by CliftonLarsonAllen
    • Acceptance of FY2021 Audit Reports
    • Public Hearing on Revised FY2021 (Per Audit) Budget and Revised FY2022 Budget
    • Presentation and Acceptance to Increase Member Town Dues
  6. Committee/Staff Reports:
    • ADA Paratransit
    • Administration/Operations
    • CRCOG Transportation Committee
  7. Any Other Business Properly Brought Before the Board




“Persons attending the meeting should take appropriate steps to mitigate the risk of transmission of the COVID-19 virus, including but not limited to wearing of protective masks and practicing social distancing.”


Distributed & Posted 10/13/2021

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