June 2017 Personnel Committee Meeting Minutes

Hartford Connecticut
June 12, 2017

Ferguson Jansen, Committee Chairman

Mr. Jansen called the Meeting of the Personnel Committee of the Greater Hartford Transit District (the “District”) to order at 1:45 pm in the District’s Conference Room at Union Station, One Union Place, Hartford, Connecticut.  Mr. Messenger was appointed as Acting Secretary for the purpose of documenting the Minutes of the Meeting. Committee members present were: A. David Giordano, William Hall, Ferguson R. Jansen, Jr., Frank Lord, and Richard F. Messenger.

Mr. Jansen asked if any members of the public would like to be heard.  There were none.

Upon motion made by Mr. Giordano, seconded by Mr. Hall and approved unanimously, the Meeting continued in Executive Session at 1:55 pm for purposes of discussion regarding the performance review and compensation of the Executive Director.

No votes were taken in the Executive Session. Upon motion made by Mr. Lord seconded by Mr. Jansen and approved unanimously, the Meeting continued in Regular Session at 2:17 pm.

There being no further business brought before the Committee.  Mr. Jansen moved that the Meeting be adjourned.  Upon seconding by Mr. Hall the motion passed unanimously.  The Meeting was adjourned at 2:20 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Name: Richard F. Messenger
Acting Committee Secretary

Posted & Distributed: 06/12/17